Greater Sudbury’s 25th Annual Pride Celebration! | La 25 célébration de la Fierté du Grand Sudbury!
MON 11TH //
LUN 11
Opening Ceremonies // Cérémonies d'ouverture
Opening Ceremonies // Cérémonies d’ouverture
11 AM // 11 H
Tom Davies Square
We officially kick off our 25th Anniversary: Pride Week 2022! Join us as we honour those who have made this possible over the past 25 years while attempting to answer the question, what do we want the state of Pride in Sudbury to look like 25 years from now?
Presented by Fierté Sudbury Pride
Opening Ceremonies // Cérémonies d’ouverture
2S-LGBTQ+ Clothing Exchange
2S-LGBTQ+ Clothing Exchange // Échange de vêtements
4:00 PM // 16 H
Beards YMCA

2S-LGBTQ+ Clothing Exchange – Échange de vêtements
Open Mic Night
Open Mic Night
7:00 PM
Sudbury Indie Cinema Co-op
Our Pride Open Mic is happening on Monday, July 11th at the Sudbury Indie Cinema (162 Mackenzie Street) at 7pm. Wordstock Sudbury is partnering with Fierté Sudbury Pride and the Sudbury Indie Cinema to bring a safe space to Sudbury this Pride week. Come and celebrate with us, we would love to hear your story.
Click here to get your tickets:
Presented by Wordstock Literary Festival Sudbury
Open Mic Night
TUES 12TH //
MAR 12
Science Café – PRIDE in STEM // Café des sciences - la fierté dans STIM
Science Café – PRIDE in STEM // Café des sciences – la fierté dans STIM
12 PM
Science North – Outdoor Grounds
Presented by Science North
Science Café – PRIDE in STEM // Café des sciences – la fierté dans STIM
Two-Spirit Beading Social
Two-Spirit Beading Social
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
APANO – 154 Durham Street

Two-Spirit Beading Social
Speed Friends - Rencontres Rapides
Speed Friends – Rencontres Rapides
5:30 PM // 17H30
Place des Arts du Grand Sudbury

Speed Friends – Rencontres Rapides
2S-LGBTQ+ Trivia Night - Soirée Quiz
2S-LGBTQ+ Trivia Night – Soirée Quiz
7:30 PM // 19H30
Beards YMCA (140 Durham Street)

2S-LGBTQ+ Trivia Night – Soirée Quiz
WED 13TH //
MER 13
$ex & Money
$ex & Money
2:00 PM
Place Des Arts
This panel discussion will look at how money (and many challenges that come with it) effects our sex lives, access to sexual health services and other related topics.
This event is presented by Fierté Sudbury Pride in partnership with Réseau ACCESS Network and Place Des Arts
Cette discussion de groupe examinera comment l’argent (et les nombreux défis qui l’accompagnent) affecte notre vie sexuelle, l’accès aux services de santé sexuelle et d’autres sujets connexes.
Cet événement a lieu dans le cadre de la Semaine de la fierté de Sudbury 2022 et est organisé par la Fierté Sudbury Pride en partenariat avec Réseau ACCESS Network et Place des Arts.
$ex & Money
Proud & Loud Open Mic
Proud & Loud Open Mic
4:00 PM
The Laughing Buddha
Proud & Loud Open Mic
2S-LGBTQ+ Pool party - Fête à piscine
2S-LGBTQ+ Pool party – Fête à piscine
6:45 PM
YMCA Sudbury (140 Durham Street)

2S-LGBTQ+ Pool party – Fête à piscine
Queer Double Bill @ Sudbury Indie Cinema
Queer Double Bill @ Sudbury Indie Cinema
6:15 PM
Sudbury Indie Cinema Co-op
Mimmi, Emma and Rönkkö are girls at the cusp of womanhood, trying to draw their own contours. In three consecutive Fridays, two of them experience the earth moving effects of falling in love, while the third goes on a quest to find something she’s never experienced before: pleasure.
- L’été de ses 16 ans, Alexis, lors d’une sortie en mer sur la côte normande, est sauvé héroïquement du naufrage par David, 18 ans. Alexis vient de rencontrer l’ami de ses rêves. Mais le rêve durera-t-il plus qu’un été ? L’été 85.
- When Alexis capsizes off the coast of France, David comes to the rescue and opens his eyes to a new horizon of friendship, art and sexual bliss.

Double Bill @ Sudbury Indie Cinema
Pride Idol
Pride Idol
10:00 PM
Zigs Bar
Pride Idol
THU 14TH //
JEU 14
GBMSM Clinic
GBMSM Clinic
5:30 PM
Réseau ACCESS Network
Presented by Réseau ACCESS Network
GBMSM Clinic
Totebag Printmaking Workshop
Totebag Printmaking Workshop
6:30 PM
Art Gallery of Sudbury
Presented by Art Gallery of Sudbury
Totebag Printmaking Workshop
Kink Education Night
Kink Education Night
6 PM
The Lair (19 Regent Street)
Presented by Midnight Manor
Kink Education Night
Youth Games Night
Youth Games Night
7 PM
Science North

Presented by Science North
Youth Games Night
Dirty Bingo
Dirty Bingo
10 PM
Zigs Bar
Join us for DIRTY BINGO hosted by EMMA DANIELS!!!!!
DRAG YER ASS ON OUT TO DIRTY BINGO. It’s not your average bingo. But a classic game with a naughty twist.. Cum one, Cum all and bring your dabber too. If you have a fun and kinky side. Well this game is definitely for you..
Cards are $2 each. Dabbers are available for purchase or bring your own lucky dabber
Doors open at 9pm. Thursday night from 10pm to 2am
Presented by Zigs Bar
Dirty Bingo
FRI 15TH //
VEN 15
Community Pride Breakfast - Déjeuner de fierté communautaire
Community Pride Breakfast – Déjeuner de fierté communautaire
7:30 AM // 7H30
Community Pride Breakfast – Déjeuner de fierté communautaire
Youth Pride Prom
Youth Pride Prom
6:00 PM
Science North – Vale Cavern
Fierté Sudbury Pride presents a Prom night to remember for youth (AGES 19 AND UNDER) for all queer, trans and allied youth in a welcoming, fun and safe atmosphere.
There will be music for you to dance your heart out to, a snack table so you won’t go hungry, a photobooth courtesy of Fun Cube and LGBTQ+ chaperons to make sure everyone is safe and sound!
Presented by Fierté Sudbury Pride
Youth Pride Prom
Drag and Variety Show
Youth Pride Prom
9:00 PM
Zigs Bar
DRAG and VARIETY SHOW! Hosted by JENNA SEPPA with appearances from Maverick, Ivonna Richman, Stacy Woods, A Desi, Sally Sauvignon and Keiran.
We have a star studded night of show stopping moments including drag, drag kings, burlesque, comedy and live rap. Local kings, queens and in-betweens give you a night of incredible fun!
Get your seat early for what promises to be an extremely Energetic and Fun-filled night!
Doors open at 9pm. Show Time is 10pm. Cover $10
Presented by Zigs Bar
Drag & Variety Show
SAT 16TH //
SAM 16
Pride Day in “The Park” presented by Desjardins
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
McEwen School of Architecture
There’s no better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than with friends listening to rad LGBTQ+ musicians and checking out all the wonderful swag from our amazing vendors! Get revved up for the March, make a sign or two, and make new friends!
Presented by Fierté Sudbury Pride and Desjardins // Présenté par Fierté Sudbury Pride et Desjardins
Pride Day in “The Park” presented by Desjardins
Pride March
Pride March
1 PM
Downtown Sudbury (Leaving from the McEwen School of Architecture)
Come celebrate your pride by joining us in our annual Pride March throughout Downtown Sudbury. Wear your brightest colours, bring your best signs, cheer your loudest cheers, and get ready to show your pride!
The March will be leaving from the McEwen School of Architecture at 1:00 PM. Speakers and Marshalls will be onsite to kick off the march. The route will be throughout Downtown Sudbury and will end back at the School of Architecture.
Unions, organizations, etc. are welcome. However, please no motor vehicles.
The route will be accessible but if you have any accessibility needs please contact us at for more information.
Presented by Fierté Sudbury Pride
Pride March
2SLGBTQ+ Community Awards Gala
2SLGBTQ+ Community Awards Gala
7 PM
Dynamic Earth

Presented by Fierté Sudbury Pride
2SLGBTQ+ Community Awards Gala
Pride Palooza
9 PM
Zigs Bar
We invite you to end you pride week with the ultimate SUDBURY PRIDE Celebration.
Rainbow black light DJ dance party with DJ Bubba from 10pm to close! Wear your rainbows and glow!!
$10 after 12am ! Photo station, glow swag, drink specials and prizes to be won. 9pm to 2am
Pride Palooza
SUN 17TH //
DIM 17
Spirit of Pride Worship Service
Spirit of Pride Worship
10:30 AM
St. Andrews United Church
Sunday worship open to everyone under (and in) the rainbow! We will be hosting the Pride Service on July 17 at St. Andrew’s United Church, beginning at 10:30am. We will be broadcasting it live via our YouTube channel:
Presented by St. Andrews United Church & St. Peter’s United Church
Spirit of Pride Worship Service
Queering the Beach | Queerer la plage
Queering the Beach | Queerer la plage
12 PM
Greater Sudbury’s Public Beaches
It’s a beach party! Gather your friends because it’s time to enjoy the sun and show off your fabulous, magical queer body, surrounded by your chosen family! Just pick your favourite beach in the area, and have fun!
This is a self-guided event.
Queering the Beach | Queerer la plage
Click on the event names for more information! // Appuyez sur les noms des activités pour voir plus de déatils!
Pride Care Packages // Trousses Fierté
Pride Care Packages // Trousses Fierté
We know how important someone’s first Pride season is, and it takes enormous courage for youth to affirm their identities to the world. Available to any youth 18 and under residing in Greater Sudbury, these packages will include all kinds of gear, goodies, and swag so they can still celebrate. Interested youth must register using the link below.
Pride Playlists // Listes d’écoute Fierté
Pride Playlists // Liste d'écoute Fierté
Fierté Sudbury Pride has carefully curated a series of Spotify playlists, each one celebrating a particular musical style or a personal mood. There’s something for everyone, from the partyers and the loners to the punks and the theatre kids. Listen to them while you work, while you’re out for a walk, or during a physically-distant family barbecue. The possibilities are endless!
Fierté Sudbury Pride vous offre une série de listes d’écoute Spotify, chacune construite méticuleusement et célébrant un style musical ou un mood personnel particulier. Il y en a pour tous les goûts, autant pour les jeunes de la scène et les partyeurs que pour les punks pis les attristés. Écoutez ça pendant que vous travaillez, en prenant une marche ben tranquille ou blastez ça pendant un barbecue familial physiquement distancié. Y’a pas de limite aux possibilités!
Choisi une playlist, cranque ça au max pis lâche-toi lousse!
Big Nickel Lightshow | Illumination du Gros cinq cennes
Big Nickel Lightshow | Illumination du Gros cinq cennes
Dynamic Earth (122 Big Nickel Mine Road)
Have you ever wondered what the Big Nickel would look like if it were just a bit gayer? From Monday to Friday night after sunset, take a selfie with the Big Nickel in all of its glory as all six pride colours are projected and rotated on Sudbury’s favourite piece of coin.
* * * * * * * * * *
Terre dynamique (122, chemin Big Nickel Mine)
Tu t’es déjà demandé de quoi aurait l’air le Gros cinq cennes s’il était un peu plus gay? De lundi à vendredi soir, dès le coucher sdu soleil, vous pourrez prendre un selfie avec la pièce de monnaie préférée du Grand Sudbury illuminée avec les couleurs du drapeau arc-en-ciel.
Presented by Dynamic Earth // Présenté par Terre dynamique